Fancytree assertion failed: Invalid mode: undefined mode@ 12 ms
Node added at the last position@ 13 ms
Children added@ 13 ms
Children at first position@ 13 ms
Children added@ 13 ms
Children added at last position@ 13 ms
Children added@ 13 ms
Children add at the first position@ 13 ms
Children added before element@ 13 ms
Children added after element@ 13 ms
Children added at first even if no child@ 14 ms
countChildren() - root@ 14 ms
countChildren(true) - root@ 14 ms
countChildren(false) - root@ 14 ms
findAll() - no match@ 15 ms
findAll() - match title@ 15 ms
findAll() - match title (ignore case)@ 15 ms
findAll() - custom match@ 15 ms
findFirst() - no match@ 15 ms
findFirst() - match title@ 15 ms
findFirst() - match title (ignore case)@ 15 ms
findFirst() - custom match@ 15 ms
getIndex()@ 15 ms
getIndexHier()@ 15 ms
getIndexHier('/')@ 15 ms
getKeyPath()@ 15 ms
getKeyPath(false)@ 15 ms
getKeyPath(true)@ 15 ms
getParent()@ 15 ms
getParentList()@ 15 ms
getParentList(false, false)@ 15 ms
getParentList(true, true)@ 15 ms
getParentList(false, true)@ 16 ms
getParentList(true, false)@ 16 ms
Source: at HTMLDocument. (
at l (
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (
at Function.ready (
at HTMLDocument.A (