propagate down `select` (unselectable status: true)@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable status: false)@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable status: undefined)@ 12 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true)@ 12 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: false)@ 12 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: undefined)@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable): parent selected@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable): selected by api@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable status: true&false): parent partsel@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable status: true&false, ignore): parent selected@ 12 ms
propagate down `select` (unselectable status: false): not selected@ 12 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable): parent not partsel@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable): deselected by api@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true&false): parent partsel@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true): not deselected@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true&false, ignore): parent not partsel@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true&false, ignore): parent not selected@ 13 ms
propagate down `deselect` (unselectable status: true): not deselected@ 13 ms
propagate up `select`: parent partsel, because of deselected sibling@ 13 ms
propagate up `deselect`: parent partsel, because of selected sibling@ 13 ms
propagate up `select`: parent selected, because of ignored siblings@ 13 ms
propagate up `deselect`: parent deselected, because of ignored siblings@ 13 ms
radiogroup `select`: select first@ 13 ms
radiogroup `select`: deselect siblings@ 13 ms
radiogroup `select`: select last@ 14 ms
radiogroup `select`: deselect siblings@ 14 ms
Source: at HTMLDocument. (
at l (
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (
at Function.ready (
at HTMLDocument.A (