Fancytree Drag & Drop - Advanced Example
Source List (realized as tree)
Bugatti Atlantic
Porsche 911 (w/girl)
Lamborghini Miura
Item 4
Item 5
Photo Gallery List - <ul> list as standard jQuery Draggable (but not Sortable)
Todos for Left Fancytree
- Native cross-tree copyTo
- Native cross-tree moveTo
- (Non-)contiguous multi-select using modifier key (Ctrl/Opt)
- Drag & Drop reorder of nodes from the same tree (multi selected)
- Drag & Drop single or multiple selected nodes from left tree
(including lazy-loading)
- Native support for multi-node DnD (currently implemented using the std. callbacks):
- includes multi-node helper image
- Also sometimes the order is reverted.
- Native support for multi select with Click + SHIFT and CTRL (currently implemented using the std. callbacks)
SHIFT: Only inside the same parent.
Also, Click + Shift could allow to extendb> a current range.
- Prevent dropping from left list to the active node
- Update a counter and send an ajax request on drop
- Currently we also implement a 'pill' or 'badge' on the line item that
shows how many sub-items are in the folder, they are similar to these
Badges -
Todos for Right Fancytree
- Images inside nodes are scaled to 16x16
- Drop target marker should consider the real node height
- (Non-)contiguous multi-select using modifier key (Ctrl/Opt)
- Drag & Drop reorder of nodes from the same tree (multi selected)
- Add Fancytree-like D&D target icons to Sortable list sorts
so they look the same as Fancytree sorts & drops
- Optimize CSS for better disambiguation of 'Selcted' vs. 'Active' nodes
Suggestions welcome!
- 'Nothing is droppable on the right side (though the right is multi-selectable and sortable within itself)'
QUESTION: shouldn't it be possible to drop from the gallery here?
Todos for Photo Gallery Draggable List
- Click one Sortable list item to highlight it, then Shift Click another
item to select multiple contiguous items in Sortable list [like your OS does]
- Dragging a Draggable over the right tree does not revert, although invalid
- Make Sortable --> no working solution yet, so the should not be a MUST HAVE