To see data about neighbourhoods, click on the map or select a location.
The IoD2019 explore allows users to explore the range of indices data and search local areas by name and postcode. It also facilitates a comparison of relative rankings across areas with the IoD2015. Darker colours indicate more deprived areas.
Maps are displayed side-by-side and can be switched on, off or viewed together using the toggle switches in the top right of the page.
Choose a domain: users can explore each of the seven indices domains, including supplementary indices, individually or the overall IMD measure using the icon buttons at the top of the screen.
Choose a place: users can click on locations directly from either map, scroll or zoom in and use the Select Location tab to search for postcodes, a Local Authority or place. Indices data is displayed at neighbourhood or Lower-layer Super Output Area level, which roughly equates to postcodes.
Look at the stats: for the area you've chosen, you can read about its rank, see the difference between proportion of neighbourhoods in each percentile from both years and order the neighbourhoods from most to least deprived in the Neighbourhood (LSOA) data tab.
This IoD2019 explorer allows users to explore the range of 2015 and 2019 indices data and search local areas by name and postcode.
It also returns details about which decile the area searched for falls in to and facilitates comparison with IoD2015, which has been reaggregated to corresponded to 2019 local authority district boundaries.